Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 4:2 KJV

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

As children of a loving God it is easy to forget that we are also “stewards” over God’s goods. We know according to Psalms 24:1 KJV that, “The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein”. So all blessings upon this earth both natural things and spiritual (and physical) beings should be considered the Lord’s. We (ihlcc) know that some people who don’t believe in God are considered loss and unrighteousness but just because the unbelievers of this earth don’t acknowledge God in all their ways does not mean that they are immune from His (God’s) ownership. The Lord’s right of ownership came by the redemption of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ in which He (God) purchased back all mankind to Himself. This is why the scriptures states in the context of Romans 14:6-9 whether we live or die we are the Lord’s. Since that is the case we should be prudent (smart, intelligent, bright) enough to realize that we cannot do whatever we want with whatever we have in our possession. No, we are “stewards” over the assets of the earth that are given to our care including both people and things. Yes, this “stewardship” started when you were able to understand the true meaning of right and wrong, or good and bad. This “stewardship” includes money but it goes much deeper than dollars and cents. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is your “stewardship” includes how you take care of the physical body the Lord gave you. This “stewardship” involves how you treat your fellow man both those in your family that you love and those outside your family that you associate with. “Stewardship” includes how you represent yourself to your employer or if you are the boss how well do you represent yourself to the people working for you. Yes, “stewardship” is inclusive of how well you handle the position God gave to you whether that is a father or mother or a sister or brother. Whether you fully appreciate the gifts and graces of God or not, you will still be considered a “steward” of God’s resources while you are upon this earth. Your “stewardship” in the physical matters of handling money, goods and services will impact your opportunities for growth and development. Thus, the level of growth (maturity) each person achieves always affects their ability to do more. When you can handle more resources the Lord is faithful to give you more because if a man is found faithful God Himself is faithful too in rewarding that individual. Being godly is something we have to work at as beloved children of God but God Himself is godly all the time and in every way. So please know that your “stewardship” over the resources in your possession including all three realms (spiritually, soulishly and physically) will influence the amount of income you experience while here upon the earth. Be faithful in using natural things, be faithful in thinking and speaking right to establish your soul in godliness, and be faithful spiritually in your commitments unto God which is your spiritual worship to qualify as a good (and faithful) “steward” in the Kingdom of God bringing glory and honor to God Almighty in the Awesome Name of Jesus. Amen!